It was 250 years ago on a sweltering summer day in Philadelphia that 56 men began gathering at the state house to declare complete independence from Britain. They were well-read men educated in multiple philosophies honed by personal experiences under tyrannical kings and those who served them.
The strong words inscribed on the parchment in front of them declaring liberty and freedom severed ties with the most powerful nation on earth and set forth an aspirational blueprint for those who came afterwards to achieve. Upon signing their names to the document, Ben Franklin said: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
One was betrayed by a neighbor before his signature dried, five were captured and brutally tortured, nine signers died in combat, two lost sons, a dozen had their homes pillaged and burned, and 17 lost everything they owned, but hang together they did - never selling each other out, denouncing the words, or the dream on that document that started one of mankind's greatest experiments.
Our nations 250th anniversay!
Remember our heritage and the promise!
Happy Independence Day, America.